Sunrays Power

Solar panels on a tiled roof

Once the Solar System is installed, you want to get a maximum benefit out of your system.

Remember, now a days the feed-in-tariff that many electricity retailers offer is lot lesser than what they used to offer in the past. Therefore, depending on your retailer, there might be very little benefit gained by selling your generated power into the grid.

The main purpose of your solar generation should always to supplement your usage, and therefore, it is always beneficial to use as much power as you can during the daytime.

You can do so by delaying appliances, particularly your washing machine or the dishwasher to start later in the day before you leave for work.

Remember to sequence them one after the other and to not set them to start at the same time, as your solar system will only produce a certain amount of power (depending on the sunlight) which may not be enough to fully power multiple appliances.

You can also connect your Electric Hot Water System to your Solar System with a timer. You can set the timer during the day when you are producing electricity. Make sure to minimise using other appliances when the Hot Water System is running, as the heating element in the hot water system can use most of the power being produced from the SolarSystem.

If you are interested in finding out more about the maximisation of your solar generation, we have more informationon: How much can I save if I install a solar PV system?

Or call us today!


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