Sunrays Power

Solar panels on a roof

Once your Solar System is installed depending on your state or territory, a meter replacement or meter reconfiguration will be required. This is typically handled by your Electricity Retailer or your Distributor, however the paperwork should be handled by your solar installer. You can ask them how long this will take.

After the meter reconfiguration or a new meter installation, you should be able to use your Solar System immediately. Sometimes the Distributors leave it off, you can contact your Solar Retailer to turn it on.

Once Solar System is in full operation, you should check the health of your solar system regularly. You can check this by checking inverter data either manually or online (if the Inverter is Wi-Fi enabled).

For every installation we do, we also hand out a solar user manual which includes instructions to check the
performance of your system, as well as instructions as to what to do when there is a system failure.

If you have lost your solar user manual or would like a digital version, please send us an email on: or call us on: 1800 720 719, and we can send through a digital version of your solar user manual.


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