Sunrays Power

sunrayspower- solar panel installer in Melbourne

We believe that any Solar PV System that we install should be viewed as an Investment. Because of this view, we firmly believe that any system that you buy should (at least) last the warranty period of its components, and even longer after that.

The good news is, mechanical wear out is highly unlikely, as Solar PV Systems do not have any moving parts. The bad news is when the system does fail, it can be very hard to track which part has failed unless the system has been regularly checked every few months.

With this said, a key indicator of the quality of your system is if the people you bought your system from provide you with a guide to check your system. If they don’t, they run the risk of non-compliance.

Our number one tip to make sure that you aren’t being sold a lower quality system is to make sure you do your research prior to buying. Make sure that the panel and inverter brand that the retailer has offered to sell to you has a great track record in Australia. While international acclaim can be great, it is important to remember that Australian weather conditions can be quite harsh, and constantly changing.

Furthermore, solar panel and inverter manufacturers with local offices can reduce the wait time it takes for you (and us) to resolve any manufacturing and warranty problems, as you don’t have to send material overseas to claim its warranty.

At the end of the day, the question it comes down to is what will happen when it does break? If you install poor materials, with poor workmanship, and it causes damage to your property, who will be liable?

You don’t want to risk hundreds of thousands in damages due to saving a few bucks in a solar bargain.

If you would like to know more about how we can help you, call us on 1800 720 719 for an appointment, or to know more about the products we offer and use.


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